
For I Know the Plans

Chrissy cannot wait for summer break to begin. Just a little while longer and she will be enjoying endless days soaking up the sun with her friends at the pool, interrupted only by a much anticipated trip to New York with her junior class. To top it all off, she will be able to spend a month with her brother, Carter, who will be home from Uganda. It is sizing up to be the best summer of her life.

But when tragedy strikes close to home, her plans for a perfect summer begin to quickly unravel. She soon finds Times Square traded in for a ticket to Jinja, Uganda where she encounters true beauty and change in the most unexpected places. Even though she’d rather be in NYC, maybe this is exactly where God wants her.

{For I Know the Plans is available in paperback and Kindle edition on For I Know the Plans on Amazon.} Buy it, read it and spread the word!

With All of Your Heart

In this second installment of the Jeremiah 29 series, Chrissy has just graduated from High School and is heading back to Uganda for the summer with her best friend, Meg. While Meg is expectantly awaiting her first mission trip, Chrissy just can’t wait to get back to James, her friend from last summer that she’s kept in touch with all year. 

This summer will hold many different things for each of them- but will Chrissy hold tight to the fact that God is writing her story even when her world gets turned upside down? Will she really learn to trust God in the midst of such chaos? 

{With All of Your Heart is now available on paperback through With All of Your Heart on Amazon.} Buy it, read it and spread the word on social media and by leaving (hopefully positive!) reviews on amazon.

The third, and final, book to this series is currently being written. But as I am heading off to college shortly, no promises as to when it will be published! Nevertheless, I cannot wait for you to read it.

Thanks for reading, enjoy!

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